Sim thoughts
Got a lot of ideas for the sims but I haven't played it today yet. I think the more I look at this site the more inspiration I'm getting.
Sometimes when I play I think 'What now?' I feel like theres not much else to do.
The thing I enjoy most at the moment is creating families and raising babies to adults and extending families, marrying them off and making lots of new generations. I know that's the point, the sims kinda do that on their own but I think I've always concentrated on one main thing in a sims life, meeting their lifetime wishes or being top of their careers.
I haven't done much with vampires yet. I think that could be my next thing to try out more! :)
I've been doing quite a bit on minisite lately and thinking up new screenshot ideas, creations and stories.
I think that will help me with my gameplay when I'm feeling like I'm in a bit of a rut. I see a screenshot on here and start thinking up that sims background story, I think I'm going to be taking a lot more screenshots and paying more attention to what I'm taking a photo of in future!
That's all for now. I'll see how my simming goes later
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